SGR - Sollers Group Recruitment
SGR stands for Sollers Group Recruitment
Here you will find, what does SGR stand for in Manpower under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Sollers Group Recruitment? Sollers Group Recruitment can be abbreviated as SGR What does SGR stand for? SGR stands for Sollers Group Recruitment. What does Sollers Group Recruitment mean?The based company is located in engaged in staffing and recruiting industry.
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Alternative definitions of SGR
- Sugarland, Texas USA
- Students For Global Responsibility
- Soft Gamma Ray
- Shaw Group, Inc.
- Soft Gamma Repeater
- Scientists for Global Responsibility
- Scientists for Global Responsibility
- Surgeon Generals Report
View 53 other definitions of SGR on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SPML Sip Project Managers Ltd
- SIWL Statewide Independent Wholesalers Limited
- SIC Stark Industries Cl
- SRC Summers Rubber Company
- SSEP Social Science Electronic Publishing
- SIH Sparrow Ionia Hospital
- SCL Sterling Capital Limited
- SCH St Clare Hospice
- SES Smart Energy Solar
- SD The Super Dentists
- SPF Sinta Prima Feedmill
- SACI Strategic Alliance Consulting Inc.
- SRL Select Roofing Ltd.
- SASPL Super Agri Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
- SBC Savage Bros. Co.
- SCD Seed Capital Denmark
- SPL Sunrise Projects Ltd
- SEC Scott Equipment Company
- SSPL Smart Shoppers Pvt Ltd